Episode 24:
Dragon Age: Inquisition Part One—Drunken Age
Platform: PC,
Playstation 3/4, Xbox 360/One
Release Date: NA & RU: 11/18/2014. AUS 11/20/2014. EU
& ZA 11/21/2014, JP 11/27/2014.
Difficulty: Easy—even after upping the difficulty
Pricing: $37-$59.99,
depending on platform
The Inquisitor, Adriana Trevelyan aka Molly Ringwald
Things Terra
Loves About Dragon Age Inquisition In No Particular Order
- So many callbacks to Origins and DA2! Hello past party members! Hello minor character from Oirigins, good to see that being a dwarf who went to study magic worked out for you! Hi Redcliffe! GOOD TO SEE YOU DARKSPAWN. …okay maybe not that last one.
- You can now play as a Qunari!
- Related: The Iron Bull
- Related: Krem
- Mages rule Templars drool.
- Welcome to Orlais, home of fancy parties, creepy masks, and backstabbing assassins!
- Politics and gathering political influence plays a huge role, even larger than it did in the first two games. You get a WAR TABLE and a WAR COUNCIL and are basically kind of building your own little kingdom and army in the mountains.
- Cassandra.
- The return of Varrick and Cassandra’s comedy duo.
- Cullen.
- The way our Inquisitor stares at Cullen’s ass after they make out.
- The Inquisitor and Josephine: BFFs
- Improving and redecorating Skyhold. Will it have an impact on the end of the game? No idea. Is it worth it anyway? Heck Yeah!
- Learning more about Tevintor, home of the creepy slave keeping blood mages!
- Related: Dorian, demonstrating that not everyone from Trevintor is a creepy slave keeping blood mage.
- Miles and miles of areas to explore. Bioware was listening to those DA2 complaints.
- Goat attack!
I wasn’t kidding about the Inquisitor
staring at his ass!
Music Credits
RPG Roundup Theme Song: "Video Game Theme," J. Arthur Keenes Band. Creative Commons Attribution License.
Dragon Age: Inquisition OST